Blogging 101: Comparing Yourself

One of the biggest problems I find with blogging is the constant comparing yourself. This of course is a common thing on social media (whether you’re a blogger or not!) but I find that as we’re always feeling the pressure to be online and to be carving out that online brand space for yourself. And this means, seeing everyone else doing exactly the same. I’m guilty of feeling a bit shit after seeing loads of bloggers going on wonderful press trips and receiving PR packages that I would love, but I also ground myself a little bit after each time.

There’s room for all of us

Firstly, I remind myself that there’s room for everyone in the blogging space. There’s an infinite amount of space of the internet that we can use to make our own page with our own content, and that does not take away from one another. We’re also all bringing something new and unique to the table as we have our own unique personalities, ideas and writing styles.

Stop thinking competitively

We’re always being told that women should build each other up and not tear them down and I wholeheartedly agree with this! I see so many people, in real life and online who’s sole motivation is to be better than someone else. This isn’t a great way to live life, and can make you feel more negatively in the long term. Just because someone has a success under their belt, it doesn’t take away from your own successes.

It’s not Real

Remember that those posts on social ARE NOT ALWAYS REAL. I’m sure that your favourite bloggers probably do have a fab wardrobe on rotation, but I assure you that they’ve posted that fab photo whilst wearing sweats in bed because they’re having a lazy day too. Social media and our blogs are often a highlights reel to our lives. You can’t believe everything you see, and there’s always someone who’s probably going through the same thoughts as you are!

Look at the big picture

Sometimes it’s good to look at why you’re blogging. If you’re blogging just for monetary gain then are you really happy anyway? For most, blogging is a hobby because they’re passionate about writing, or creating content around certain topics. I love reading and I love trying new beauty products, which is why Uptown Oracle came about. But if I focus so much on whether I’m being paid or if I’m getting as many PR packages as other people, then I’m veering away from my own love for this. This is another way of pulling myself away from my own happiness, and will affect my motivation to work on Uptown Oracle.

Remember what’s important

Most of all, remember what’s important! Think of all the amazing successes you already have, and the things you’re grateful for in this moment. Even if it’s a tiny task, like ensuring you ate 3 meals a day! Make sure you think about all the great things in life, and how you’re here and able to live through them everyday.

Compare yourself

If you really are still comparing yourself measured against follower counts and comments then compare against your past self rather than others. Most people do measure success in comparison as there’s no true metric to success, but instead of trying to beat other people, try and out-do yourself in a months time, a years time or a decade’s time. Work towards making yourself proud to look back at how far you’ve come.


8 responses to “Blogging 101: Comparing Yourself”

  1. lovely post, i definitely agree we all have to spendmore time supporting each other and not seeing everyone as competition. if somoene does well in an area celebrate it because maybe itll inspire you and open up new paths for you and other bloggers in that area too

    1. Uptown Oracle avatar
      Uptown Oracle

      Glad you liked it Lauren! And I agree – we should always share celebrations of everyone’s successes in the community 🙂

  2. It’s interesting that while I was inside the Italian community, I noticed a lot of tension. Also, many places were always taken away from little bloggers.
    But when I entered the internetional community…. I don’t say that there aren’t problems there and there, but also I see more possibility to be seen, talk openly and such. I don’t feel like I’m in a competition but I’m doing nice things with other bloggers.
    But all these points are really right. It’s also easy to go down thanks to the stress and it’s important for the bloggers to remember to breathe and relax

    1. Uptown Oracle avatar
      Uptown Oracle

      Glad you found a better vibe in the international community Camilla! It’s great that we can try and build one another up, not stress and just do what we enjoy 🙂

  3. Love this post! Sometimes I spend so much time comparing myself to others and wonder what I could do to change …. but in the end readers will not be upset that “one cake is better than other” but rather excited that there are two cakes 🙂

    This post is a great reminder ♥

    1. Uptown Oracle avatar
      Uptown Oracle

      Really happy you see it that way! We should always be trying to raise one another up and introduce new bloggers to new readers! x

  4. Jenny avatar

    So important! I feel like everyone is used to comparing because of social media, but this is a good post to remidn you to not.

  5. Alanna avatar

    This post was so helpful and true – thank you. I’m always get worried about comparing myself and have to talk myself back around.

Not all those who wander are lost

Becky, a book enthusiast, shares her love for literature and lifestyle through Uptown Oracle, blending creativity with her expertise in digital marketing.

March 2025