‘The first step is admitting you have a problem’ is age old advice. My problem is that I buy way too many bags and shoes, which means the next step is probably buy some more. So I’ve bought another bag from Boutique of Molly! The Tokyo bag is very much Mulberry inspired without the price tag.
Similar to the Milan bag I’d previously bought, the strap is adjustable. I also much prefer the chain style strap because it’s smaller links than the Milan, which in my opinion makes it look a bit more classy. The size isn’t too small or too big which is great! It fits all the essentials like my phone, glasses, purse etc. without putting too much strain on the strap. It’s not an everyday bag purely because I need a bag to fit my A4 notebooks at uni, but it works well for my days off.
The clasp is small, and could easily be undone by accident but the bag also has a zip inside which will stop you losing anything. The clasp is near identical to the clasp on Mulberry’s. Inside there’s two pockets on either side of the bag, one with a zip and one open. I can’t wait to see what BoM bring out next!
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