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Blogging 101: Bulk Uploading to Pinterest (for FREE!)

Have you ever posted a blog post that has loads of great images (perfect for Pinterest) but you now dread the long process of pinning each image manually and editing all the info and SEO? Well, what if I told you can start bulk uploading to pinterest for free now on the Pinterest site. Pinterest has a built in bulk upload feature, that allows you to bulk edit the descriptions, titles and link it goes to but it’s just a little bit hidden. This feature even allows you to schedule up to 30 Pins at one time! Excited right?

The first step is proabably something you’ve already done – get the images you want to Pin ready on your computer for easy access to drag into browser. Then head on over to Pinterest and click Create Pin like you usually would if you were pinning through Pinterest itself. Now select your images and instead of dropping your images onto where it says drag and drop, drop them on top of the picture icon on the left of the screen (Below the + icon). This will automatically upload each of these images as an individual pin to edit. If you drag multiple images onto where it says drag and drop it will create a carousel or collage Pin instead (which whilst nice, isn’t what you want right now!).

Photo of first step to Bulk Uploading to Pinterest which is to open the create a pin page. This shows the editable info and a drag and drop call to action

After uploading, you then need to edit all these Pins to link through to your website, be on the right boards and have search engine optimised titles and descriptions. Most Pins when bulk uploading may have the same board or URL, it’s the descriptions and titles that will be changing the most. However, I recommend using basic elements of these, such as using your blog name in them, and including them through all your pins at once. So moving on, there’s a selection tool just to the right of where your pin info is, click this to select all your pins.

Then to the top left there will be a select all action, which you need to press. Your pins will all have red ticks next to them once selected if you want to check. Then to get into your edit all page, click the little pin icon on the top right to edit them all.

This screen should be very familiar to any Pinterest user and you fill it in pretty much how you usually would. If you want every pin to have different titles or descriptions, you can edit each of them individually afterwards too – just put in the basics that will be on every pin. I recommend when bulk uploading to pinterest using this method to add in what needs to be in every title or description (like the blog post name!) and then add in extras for keyword reach.

Once you’ve edited all the information, you can see that each of the pins can also be published at a later date. Whilst you can’t batch edit this info, it’s helpful to schedule them across different times for the best impressions on Pinterest! Especially if your Pins look very similar, as it can come across as spam-like otherwise.

Once you’ve got all your pins looking how you want them to, you just press the Publish All button on the top right. Done. That’s your first bulk upload done with Pinterest, and you’ll hopefully start raking in those impressions and clicks soon enough.

Hopefully this helps anyone who’s been manually pinning each image individually from their blog! Let me know how you get on with this method, and whether it cuts down your Pinterest posting time when bulk uploading to Pinterest!


5 responses to “Blogging 101: Bulk Uploading to Pinterest (for FREE!)”

  1. This is great, I’ve had a bit of a look at the Pinterest scheduler but didn’t know you could edit multiple images at a time; that’s save me heaps of time, thanks!

  2. This is so helpful, thank you! I have been spending sooo much time uploading pins individually and this will help heaps!

  3. I had no idea this could be done, on Pinterest they seem to describe bulk upload but only for videos… it seemed odd a similar functionality was not available for image pins… thanks a million for this, it will save me such a huge amount of time!!!! :))

  4. Manisha avatar

    Thank you for sharing.

  5. Brit avatar

    Great tip — thanks so much for sharing!

Not all those who wander are lost

Becky, a book enthusiast, shares her love for literature and lifestyle through Uptown Oracle, blending creativity with her expertise in digital marketing.

March 2025