Blogging & Personal Development
Blogging 101: Common Blogging Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Blogging is something where mistakes can easily be made, and also easily remedied. There’s many mistakes bloggers make which can reduce the brand image they’re trying to portray – and these are simple mistakes that (honestly) most people make. Whether it’s forgetting to post or getting too focused on stats – other bloggers have done…
Blogging 101: How To Get Over Your Blogging Fears
Are you afraid to start a blog? A couple of people I know have expressed that they have some blogging fears when it comes to both starting and maintaining a blog – which is completely normal! Many bloggers have worries and there’s always ways to overcome the fear of blogging. Here’s some of the main…
Why Do You Want to Blog? Discover Your Purpose as a Blogger
So you’re thinking about starting a blog – fantastic! But before you dive into designing your site or writing your first post, there’s one critical question to ask yourself: Why do you want to blog? Your “why” is the foundation of your blogging journey. It keeps you motivated, helps you focus your goals, and connects…
Blogging 101: Creating a 5 Year Blogging Plan
That awful interview question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” always give me a sense of dread. I passed exams, finished uni and got myself a job that I actually love… and now I don’t quite know where I’ll be next year, let alone in 5 years. Despite this, I’m very conscious that…
Blogging 101: Re-Designing your Blog
Before I went on my on and off again hiatus I had a lot of high hopes for the blog, and this meant completely re-designing it to improve the overall look. I’d had my previous look for a few years, and it was starting to feel a bit old and worn out, and I wasn’t…
Stock Images, Hotlinking, and Other Image Issues for Bloggers
Being a blogger doesn’t mean you always need to take your own photos! Of course, you can’t just pop onto Google or re-use an image you found on Pinterest because of Copyright. But, you can find a large selection of images online which have been created and licensed for other people to use them on…
Blogging 101: Using Gdrive for Blogging
When it comes to blogging I often switch up my style of working because my life keeps drastically changing. At the moment, I’m still adjusting to working full time and with this I’ve been using Google Drive a lot! This is because it’s super easy for me to create content on the go with my…
Blogging 101: Best Apps for Bloggers
If you’re anything like me you absolutely can’t live without your phone. Whilst articles are increasingly talking about putting the phone down, and helping mental health, self-care detoxes etc. I’m here to give you ideas on which apps you can be using to be productive when on your phone. These are some of the great…
Blogging 101: Supporting Other Bloggers
Do you feel the rush of positive feelings every time you see someone has liked or commented on something you’ve posted? The overwhelming emotional break down when someone shares you or says something super nice about your content? (Or is this just me??). Well, I’m here to remind you that there’s often other people at…