Everyday Self Care

Self care is one of those things that you need to do continuously and not just as a once a week (or month) pamper session. Obviously daily bubble baths and a full scale beauty regime to make yourself feel better can’t be done every day, but a lot of the little things can help.

Drink Water

One of the easiest things to do as a way to better your own health and mind set everyday is to drink water. So many people suffer from dehydration, and not getting enough water can disrupt your concentration throughout the day. This will also make your body feel healthier and you’re skin will look better. So it’s a win-win situation when you’re lugging around a water bottle.


So many people don’t get enough sleep, and if you’re lacking sleep because of your own actions (not if you’ve got a disorder like insomnia!) then you can work on making yourself ready for bed on time. If you know you need to wake up earlier than go to sleep earlier, or likewise if you know you’ll be able to lie in you can stay up later. Just make sure you’re getting the best amount of sleep for yourself.


Simple exercising such as walking can help keep you active. Whether it’s the walk to work, a quick lunch time stroll or a nature walk these all help to keep your body working. Walking is an exercise for everyone, and you don’t need to be super fit to do it. So take 10 minutes to try and pick your heart rate up slightly and get moving.

Unplug Social

I’m guilty of being on my phone for too much time during the day, but at night I like to put it down before bed. Whether you spend your time reading, watching Netflix or using a different self care method just make sure you’re having some time away from social media before bed. This means you’re away from being able to compare yourself right before bed, but it also will help you get to sleep better if you’re away from screens in general.

To Do list

If you’re anything like me you need a bit of structure or you end up being lazy and not doing anything. For so long I was feeling awful on weekends because I wasn’t doing anything and felt really ‘meh’. Since I’ve started focusing on my blog at the weekends I’ve started to feel more productive and therefore better both mentally and physically. And this is all down to the structure that to-do lists give me. I spend a lot of time at the start of each weekend making myself a list which can extend to the following Friday so I have plenty of time to complete everything.


The act of laughing (even if you’re sad) has been scientifically proven to help make you feel better. You canforce yourself to laugh out loud (in an evil mastermind kind of way? I’m not too sure)  or you can put yourself into a position that will allow you to laugh. Whether this is with other people or just putting on a funny film on Netflix. Make sure you’re making the most of your laugh/

Use one beauty product

Every day I tell myself that I need to use at least one of my beauty products. Sometimes this is a face mask, eye sheets or even just changing up my moisturiser to different oils, serums and lotions. Most people find the act of using these products as soothing, as well as them helping improve your skin as it acts as a mini pamper session.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This may sound like a weird one, but my 70 year old aunt swears by ACV and she’s always on the go. Drinking one teaspoon of ACV in a glass of water every morning helps you to wake up, but also helps you as a whole. It helps regulate blood sugar levels, kills harmful bacteria and lower cholesterol levels.


Don’t restrict yourself too much with your food. Food should be enjoyed, but also should be nutritional and help your body. You can have that unhealthy snack every once in a while, but only eating chocolate for days on end will make you feel awful. The same goes for salads though, if you’re not a fan then make sure you’re mixing up your meals to include foods that you really enjoy.

Cup of Tea

Nothing is quite as calming as a nice cup of tea right?


One response to “Everyday Self Care”

  1. I agree with all of these so much! Although one beauty product in my life would actually need to be a 3 hour full body pamper routine session. I’m so guilty of spending way too much time scrolling around on social media and totally wasting my time when I could be doing something that was actually worthwhile. Need to work on that one! x


Not all those who wander are lost

Becky, a book enthusiast, shares her love for literature and lifestyle through Uptown Oracle, blending creativity with her expertise in digital marketing.

February 2025