How to Use ABH Dip Brow Pomade | Create Natural or Stand Out Eye Brows Easily

I’ve seen plenty of tutorials on how to use ABH Dip brow Pomade to create the strong ‘instagram’ brow but not many on how to create a more natural brow. I prefer a natural brow just because my eyebrows are almost invisible and having really strong defined brows looks slightly strange on my face.

I also do my brows this way with Benefit Brow Zings and I use a spoolie and an small angled brush. You may also need some tweezers to remove stray hairs.

ABH Dipbrow Pomade and Brushes.jpg

First I use the spoolie to brush my eyebrows into the shape I want them to be. Next I get the angled brush and outline the brow. I usually start from the middle of the brow on the bottom and draw to where I want my brow to end and then with any excess product I line the inner bottom section of the brow but very lightly. Then I start from a bit more inside than the middle for the top of the brow. I dont outline the very inner part of the brow at the top. I find it makes it too defined and that leads to brows which are too heavy for my face.

1st step brow.jpg

Then I just fill in the brow, while following the way the hair grows with the angled brush. I especially fill in any sparser patches and I again dont put as much product on the inner corner. I then use a spoolie again and just brush any stray hairs into place and smooth any harsh lines.

ABH dip brow pomade eye brow tutorial imageThe end product is below, darker eyebrows while still looking natural with ABH dip brow pomade. I’m also wearing the NYX Lip Lingerie in Babydoll in this photo. I will be reviewing this soon so keep an eye out!


Do you prefer having more natural looking brows?


6 responses to “How to Use ABH Dip Brow Pomade | Create Natural or Stand Out Eye Brows Easily”

  1. So helpful for people who aren’t sure how to do natural brows yet! I was a victim to dark harsh brows because it’s all I ever saw anyone doing in tutorials plus I didn’t match the products I used to my browser colour!

    1. xoxorebs avatar

      Yes! I found so many to be waaaay to harsh especially since I’m pale! This Auburn colour matches my hair pretty well so it’s great to create a natural brow!

  2. ❤️ Hi! I’ve nominated you for a blog award, you can check it out on my blog. 🙂

  3. Thanks for this! I was wondering how people used the product for more natural looking brows – a lot of the tutorials I saw were more drawn on

  4. Love this post – very helpful for me using the ABH brow pomade for the first time.

    1. UptownOracle avatar

      Happy I could help and hope your brows turned out perfect!

Not all those who wander are lost

Becky, a book enthusiast, shares her love for literature and lifestyle through Uptown Oracle, blending creativity with her expertise in digital marketing.

February 2025