Reduce Hair Loss and Thnning | How To Take Care Of Your Hair

You know every so often when feel like your hairs malting a little bit too much? And you end up feeling like a disgruntled Shih Tzu as you end up finding hair in your food, across your book page, somehow in the clothes you’ve already washed. As part of the hair growth cycle, you’ll always have hair loss. but it is always a bit worrying when it seems like a lot. Well there’s so many reasons why your hair could be increasing the shedding process, but there’s also multiple ways to help bring this process back to normal.


Along with breakouts, stress can also make your hair look and feel awful. There’s minimal and temporary hair loss from stress which is down to the way you act when you’re stressed. When you’re stressed you’re more prone to being restless when sleeping, which may mean more tossing and turning. This leads to hair breakage as your hair will have friction against your bed, which is why so many people love silk pillowcases as there’s less friction!

You may also be subconsciously pulling your hair whilst stressed. I know for a fact that when I’m nervous or worried I actively play with my hair, which includes braiding, twisting and pulling. All of these put pressure on your hair strands, and can put pressure on the root of the hair. This can then encourage hair breakage and also falling away from the scalp if enough pressure is used.

Whether you’re using self care apps, meditating, having a cuppa or just have some me-time netflix binges – there’s so many different ways to help de-stress nowadays!

Be Gentle

Sometimes your hair just needs a gentle touch. Using your brush to aggressively pull those tangles can damage the hair strands, and pull at the hair follicles. This leads to brushing out your hair and possibly breaking it! Causing your hair to look a lot thinner.

You should also be gentle whilst drying it. Drying your hair roughly with a towel can cause friction and breakage. Of course, using heat also has it’s negatives so go easy with the hairdryer too! Remember your hair is also much more vulnerable to breaking whilst wet.


Too much styling of your hair can put a lot of pressure and stress on the hair strands and scalp. This can cause early shedding or hair breakage which will make your hair look thinner. Give your hair break by reducing heat usage and leaving your hair alone every so often.

Eat Right

Your hair needs multiple nutrients in order to be in it’s healthiest and strongest state! Which makes your hair look even better as well as reducing chances of breaking and thinning.

First things first, make sure you have enough protein in your diet. Or if not, use supplements to ensure you’re getting enough. Lack of protein can slow hair growth, which means that as hair breaks or falls, less hair can grow in it’s place.

You also need enough iron in your diet! Iron affects hair growth as well as hair shedding. Without it your hair won’t be able to look it’s best.

Stop the Diet

Yes I know you want to lose weight, but cutting out loads of food for a fad diet isn’t going to help you in the long-run. Any kind of diet that will create rapid weight loss can also cause you to have a rapid loss of hair. Any nutritional deficiencies can increase hair shedding and breakage. So feel free to start that healthy diet on Monday, but avoid any crash diets where you’re limiting foods.


3 responses to “Reduce Hair Loss and Thnning | How To Take Care Of Your Hair”

  1. interresting one, Thank you for the tips !

    I lose my hair a crazy amount.. which i guess I’ve been so stressed it makes sense; i’d get a handful out after passing my hand through my hair, specially after showers. yikes !

    1. Uptown Oracle avatar
      Uptown Oracle

      Thanks Kathryn!

Not all those who wander are lost

Becky, a book enthusiast, shares her love for literature and lifestyle through Uptown Oracle, blending creativity with her expertise in digital marketing.

February 2025