Study Tips

So it’s that time of year again where cramming information into your brain seems impossible. The looming dread of exams has already stressed me out and I have not motivation to study. So instead I decided to write blog posts and share some study tips for those who are productive.

A quiet room

Stop distractions by putting yourself in a quiet room. No friends or family to chat and gossip to. No music to sing and dance along to. Keep yourself focused solely on studying. I personally can only study in my room and without music.


Make sure you drink lots of water. This is kind of an everyday tip as well, but especially important when trying to focus. Keeping yourself hydrated will keep you awake and your brain will thank you. Spending all day studying without drinking will make you feel drowsy and possibly cause a headache.

A bit of colour

When writing notes, diagrams, etc. using colours is always a good way to study. It helps you to remember more as well as making your notes look less boring to reread. I normally use a blue, black, red and green pen and use highlighters as well.


If you’re anything like me, you cant be productive when you’re hungry. I always need some sort of snack as an incentive. If I read X amount of pages I get this much chocolate or something similar. Healthy, brain fueling snacks are good of course, but I also always go for sugary and sweet.

Taking breaks

After about half an hour, I get cranky and I need something to take my mind off being stressy about studying. So whether it’s having a stretch, grabbing a coffee, or calling your mum for a quick chat, remember to take a break so your head doesn’t turn into sludge.

Hiding social media

One of my favourite (or should I say needed?) study tips is to hide your phone. So I normally just put it on silent and turn it over so I cant see the screen when it lights up. You could also put it across the room or in a different room to stop the temptation to scroll yourself into procrastination hell.


3 responses to “Study Tips”

  1. Great Tips! I felt like I knew these and may be many will feel the same but as you organized all the tips together, it became super useful and easy to follow now! Having enough fluid is really important! Thanks for great tips and please share more !!!!

    1. xoxorebs avatar

      Thank you! I’m glad it’s useful for you! 😀 x

  2. gr8 pertinent time-tested proven bits o’ info. you could (if you lived in my school district!) give a mini-lecture at all the local schools — with the hope that SOME of the attendees would listen. (sigh).

Not all those who wander are lost

Becky, a book enthusiast, shares her love for literature and lifestyle through Uptown Oracle, blending creativity with her expertise in digital marketing.

February 2025