Blogging 101: SEO
Blogging 101: SEO Audit Template
Those spam emails asking about SEO audits to get you on the first page of google can be super annoying, so here’s how to create an SEO audit of your blog on your own!
Blogging 101: Keyword Planning
Last week we talked about keyword research so this week we’re going to talk about how you use that research to plan out your content. I’ve seen a lot of articles on how to do keyword research, but very often these cut off before it comes to planning your content strategy and actually writing. So…
Blogging 101: Post Checklist for SEO
Want to start improving your SEO game but just don’t know how? Here’s the post checklist I use for my own blog posts which has helped me massively grow my search impressions (and clicks!) in just the past 12 months. These tasks are mostly for when you’re creating your content, and are easy pointers to…
Blogging 101: The Importance of Internal Linking
As previously discussed in our SEO Post Optimisation guide, links are important for SEO and internal linking is something you can directly improve as you create more content, as well as by updating older posts.
Blogging 101: SEO Goals
Goals are such a helpful device to help motivate you to work on something. SEO goals work exactly the same way and give you a clean indication of if you’re doing the right thing when optimising posts.
Blogging 101: SEO Post Optimisation
What is keyword research? Keyword research is looking for keywords or key-phrases that real people will enter into search engines to find the content they need. These can be short keywords such as just ‘SEO’ or it can be a longer key-phrase such as ‘SEO for beginners’ which is what my first SEO post had…
Blogging 101: Google Search Console
In Google analytics you can also access Google search console data under acquisition to see which pages are gaining traffic through search. However, sometimes you may want a bit of a deep dive into what search terms are useful for you and how successful certain pages are in the long-term. That’s where the Google Search…
Blogging 101: Category and Tags Mapping
When it comes to SEO, your site categories and tags inform the search engine what the post is about. The metadata also states to search engines what your site is about. So it’s important to know how to use them and to plan out what your blog has or will have. This will give you…
Blogging 101: SEO for Beginners
What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, which simply put is optimising your website and pages to get them to appear in the top results on a search engine. There’s multiple search engines such as Bing and Yahoo, but Google is the biggest and most used and most SEO is done to meet…