A Year of Trading 212 | Why Investing During the Lockdown Earned Me More Than Any Bank Could Offer
So I thought about investing in stocks and shares, and I found out about Trading212 which is an app (although there’s also a desktop version!) which allows you to invest in multiple ways, in a variety of assets and industries. I started writing about my journey of investing small amounts every month last year too.…
My Monthly Budget | Living Alone in a London Commuter Town at 23 Years Old
Things have been happening recently for me which means my head has been stuck in my budget tracker a lot and I’m personally so nosey when other people are making these “what I spend in a month” videos. So I thought I would jump in and create a video as well as a blog post…
My Experience Investing £25 a Month in Stocks & Shares | Trading 212 App
With lockdown curbing my shopping habits I tested out Trading 212 to see what it’s like to invest £25 a month, and if there was a positive outcome or not.
Learning to Budget
A key part of life is learning how to manage your own money and budget to fit your needs. Throughout university and also my placement year – I was a little bit lax on fully budgeting because my rent was termly rather than monthly and it included my bills too and I was always comfortable…
Let’s talk about Money
Talking about money is one of those topics most social circles avoid but it’s often helpful to hear what your friends and family are going through. Whether it’s a phone app that’s made it easier to budget, a new savings account your best friend can’t help but shout to you about, or a bit of…
Change Your Money Mindset
For some reason, my social accounts are always pushing me articles all about money. Whether it’s the next big app that’s going to help me save X amount in 6 months, or the classic ‘Millennial buy too many avocado’s to buy housing’ article I’ve probably seen it while on my daily scroll. There’s always those…