Personal Development

  • Being an Introvert Doesnt Make Me a Bad Person

    I am most definitely introverted. For my entire life, this has been a problem for people. From teachers who want me to speak in class (even though I always did well in school) to interviewers who assumed I couldn’t do my job because I’m ‘too shy’. I’ve been told to be louder, to speak up…

  • Motivational Monday With Some Quotes From Powerful Women

    As I sit writing this, I’m thinking of how tired and unmotivated I’ve been feeling recently. Whether it’s to do with this blog, my uni work or my internship. I think it was as soon as I got my placement offer. Finally, I’d got the one thing I’d been working so hard for this semester.…

  • Why having time alone is important

    As an introvert, I often find that when I’m constantly around people I feel physically exhausted. I often get questioned when I say I want to spend some time alone on my day off uni and work by friends and family. Is there really a stigma about people being on their own? Being alone does not…

  • 20 Things I’ve Learnt in 20 Years

    So it’s my Birthday which means I am now 20 years old and no longer a teenager. It also means that I can now do a cliched list of 20 things I’ve Learnt in 20 Years. Some are bigger and better than others, but the past 20 years have had some good and bad times…