Comments on: Top 5 Favourite Disney Films Living Your Bookish Life ✨ Wed, 03 Jun 2020 19:56:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ken Dowell Tue, 23 May 2017 23:05:14 +0000 Little Mermaid is my favorite as well, at least in part because of the music. I also would have put Beauty and the Beast on my list.

By: xoxorebs Mon, 15 May 2017 17:14:00 +0000 In reply to Smarty.

I think everyone will have different favourites for sure! And everyone’s mind always changes when it comes to picking them too you’re so right! 😀

By: Smarty Mon, 15 May 2017 16:56:05 +0000 That truly is a though question since there are so many incredible movies to choose from. Your list is great but my adored selection is a bit different. My absolut and all-time favourite, especially since I saw the musical, is The Lion King. Tied in second place are Mulan and Brave – gotta love those badass girls kicking butt! Third place is Mary Poppins and after that Rapunzel and Wreck-it Ralph. I love all the other movies as well but these just don’t compare. Who knows, maybe my list won’t be the same in a bit, but right now that’s how it is 😀 Lots of Love and thanks for the pleasant blast from the past, Smarty ]]> Hey there 🙂
That truly is a though question since there are so many incredible movies to choose from.
Your list is great but my adored selection is a bit different. My absolut and all-time favourite, especially since I saw the musical, is The Lion King. Tied in second place are Mulan and Brave – gotta love those badass girls kicking butt! Third place is Mary Poppins and after that Rapunzel and Wreck-it Ralph. I love all the other movies as well but these just don’t compare. Who knows, maybe my list won’t be the same in a bit, but right now that’s how it is 😀
Lots of Love and thanks for the pleasant blast from the past,
