Uptown Oracle Reads… Talon

I purchased Talon* because I was approved to read Legion on NetGalley. After realising that there were three previous books in the series I decided to speed read them in bulk. I loved Kagawa’s Iron Fey series so much, and I also quite like dragons. So this series was definitely promising. Luckily Talon arrived first in the post for me to read.

As an overall critique, Talon is surprisingly slow for a book about dragons. I was expecting a lot of action and excitement and a lot of the book was more like YA contemporary. We had glimpses of dragon ‘training’ but the bulk of the first half of the book was Ember being a human teenage girl. The book does pick up a lot more nearer the end and so I hope the rest of the series picks up in pace to be similar.

Dragon’s disguising themselves in human form was a new concept for me. I have never read any books with that in it. Please do let me know if there are any though as I really liked it. I also loved the different view points about dragons. Our three POV characters all have differing views at the start of the book, which change over time.

Talon has likeable characters. Plus extremely well written. Not surprising from Kagawa who is able to write wonderful characters. There’s also the element of predictability once you get to know them. I wont spoil it, but you know what Dante is going to do near the end of the book from reading it. You also know what Ember will do. The same goes for our other POV characters, Riley and Garrett.

If you don’t like love triangles, don’t read this book. Ember struggling between dragon and human nature within the book, with a love triangle which mirrors the struggle. The main focus of the book was the relationships which developed between ember and the other characters. A lot of it seemed to be setting up the story for the rest of the series. I read somewhere this was going to be a six book series. It’s definitely a promising plot. There should definitely be improvement and more action in the next books.

Not all those who wander are lost

Becky, a book enthusiast, shares her love for literature and lifestyle through Uptown Oracle, blending creativity with her expertise in digital marketing.

March 2025