What Makes Me Want To Read a Book?

Reading is an entirely subjective hobby in that there’s a book out there for everyone. There’s books that I own (or want to own) that I really want to read, and reread. But these are the same books that other people may not want to read. And the same goes for books others are excited for and hyping up that I just really am not bothered about. So as more of a get to know me post, I’m gonna talk about all the different factors that could make me want to read a book.


I am for sure a genre select kinda person. I like fantasy and I like sci-fi and if I had the budget and space I would buy all the books in this genre that I could find. Unfortunately, I do not have the budget or space – so other factors do come into play of course. But I am a creature of habit and I will always revolve around these two genres.

Plus, I do read other genres, and you’ll see a handful of contemporaries, thrillers and horrors across my blog now and then, in a range of YA, NA and adult titles. I of course do have genre’s that I stay away from because I just don’t enjoy them such as romance (as I don’t like romance in my usual reading anyway.

Magical Creatures

This probably comes across in the fantasy genre love, but if you tell me your book has certain magical creatures in it then I’m all ready for it. Dragons are a big one that I love reading books about. There’s so many different types of dragons and there’s always a way to make them unique in fantasy books that there’s rarely a time that I get bored of them.

I also love books that incorporate Fae, Faerie, Fairy or however they decide to spell it. I’m extremely intrigued by the Fae being tricksters and not particular fond of humans, thanks to Holly Black.  Other ‘types’ of fae are also of interest to me and draw me towards a book

I love reading about lesser known magical creatures as well. The Spiderwick Chronicles introduced me to Brownies, Phookas and Changelings and if a book mentions them on the blurb it’s an automatic put into the basket for me.

Book Cover

Yes, I know you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover but I do. I’ve already talked about how important a book cover is before, and I stand by that it’s a good indicator of what’s inside the cover. I guess more than anything they catch my eye in bookstores or on bookstagram, which makes it come to the front of my mind faster when I actually get round to purchasing books.


I’m the kind of person who reads reviews for books before purchasing. I love reading through all the reviews that come out around a release about hyped books because I get more of a sense of whether I will actually enjoy it. I do however want actual reviews to inform me rather than 2 paragraphs claiming how much someone loves/hates the book.

Not just internet reviews either, I trust my friends and family a lot when it comes to books. There’s a very popular fantasy series that I still have not read (even though I own the whole set) because my Dad read them before me and told me they were boring.

I don’t particular care about ratings of a book, and most ignore the star rating on Amazon or Goodreads though. I much prefer reading an in depth thought than subjective stars.


Who’s writing the book is an important factor for me as well. If I know I enjoy and author’s writing and their new book is in my genre and sounds intriguing then I’ll automatically add it to me ‘must buy’ list. For example, I own most of Holly Black’s work because I’ve loved her writing for years.

Unfortunately this also works the other way, and if I really dislike a book then I probably won’t buy any others from that author.



2 responses to “What Makes Me Want To Read a Book?”

  1. I think that many readers follow the same kind of process when looking for their next read, if not always consciously. As both a reader and an author I can appreciate that. Your point about reviews is both relevant and frustrating. i have sold and given away a lot of books but I have barely a handful of reviews to show for it. Many readers just do not seem to want to support authors by leaving even a basic review and star rating. I find this very disappointing because, as you observe, it is very useful to other readers.
    Thank you for an interesting read.

    1. Uptown Oracle avatar
      Uptown Oracle

      Glad you enjoyed the post Peter! Completely agree that it’s frustrating when people don’t leave reviews – especially if I’m trying to gauge my interest in a book! (and it must be even more so for an author!)

Not all those who wander are lost

Becky, a book enthusiast, shares her love for literature and lifestyle through Uptown Oracle, blending creativity with her expertise in digital marketing.

February 2025