Working 25 Hours a Day, 9 Days a Week

Learn to manage your workload more efficiently

‘New Year, New Me’ is all well and good when you talk about working harder but sometimes you need to manage your own expectations. Whether you’re working a full time job, part time job or still in school, there’s always a chance of burning out if you don’t work efficiently with the energy you have. Taking time to slow down and plan ahead as well as taking regular breaks is important. Self care will allow you to continue working at your best a lot longer than pushing yourself to fit 15 hours of work into 8.

Stop Multitasking

No matter how good you think you are at multi-tasking, it’s most likely reducing your productivity. Constantly flicking between tasks lowers your focus and attention. You will also feel busier because you’re brain is overworking itself trying to focus. This will then cause you stress and worry at work. The best thing to do is to stick to one task at a time and focus all your brain power into this. This way, your completed tasks will be done faster and to a higher standard of quality too!

Slow it Down

When you’ve got a million things to do, I know my first thought is to rush to do them ASAP. But sometimes this can mean you’re doing unnecessary work or you could be make accidental mistakes. Making time to prioritise what really needs to be done right away can be an important step to your day. Nothing is worse than spending half a day on a presentation, and then two weeks later when it’s due you have to change every slide.

It’s also okay to leave some tasks in an in progress state. If you can’t complete a task because you need X, Y or Z from other team members then leave it and start the next task. Go back to the task after you’ve got everything you need so you can completely it thoroughly.

Remember: Everything Takes Longer Than Expected

When you’re planning your day, don’t meticulously plan every second. This is just going to stress you out because everything takes longer than expected. You’ll start trying to rush tasks to get them done to your set deadline, and like I said in the previous point, this will negatively impact your standard of work. When you’re planning your day, always leave a buffer somewhere so you have that extra time you need.

Learn to Say No

As a self-confessed yes man, I struggle with this one the most. It’s not always possible to take on every task in a day. And if you continue to say yes to every task you’ll start to burnout as you run out of time in the day. Learning to say no, or to prioritise tasks which can be done today, and which tasks can be done in the next few days is important. Saying no won’t make you look like you’re slacking either, as most colleagues will understand you’re working on many different things.

Take a Break

Sometimes you need to rest or your productivity is going to suffer. Make sure you take 5 minutes to grab a coffee, take that lunch break and turn off from work when you go home! Of course, sometimes you need to work late, but ensure you’re getting time off. Watch a film, read a book, just do something that isn’t solely focused on work at least once a day.


12 responses to “Working 25 Hours a Day, 9 Days a Week”

  1. Managing my work more efficiently is one of my main goals this year so this post is really helpful! I definitely need to learn to say no sometimes… and multitasking is something i’m terrible at anyway so definitely need to quit haha!
    Aleeha xXx

    1. Uptown Oracle avatar
      Uptown Oracle

      Learning to say no is a struggle but it really helps when you’re busy! x

  2. I really needed this today, I’ve been feeling so burnt out!

    1. Uptown Oracle avatar
      Uptown Oracle

      Glad it helped! 😀

  3. Fantastic advice! Multitasking REALLY doesn’t work! I get so muddled and never finish one thing if I try to do too much at once! X

    1. Uptown Oracle avatar
      Uptown Oracle

      I used to try to do it all the time but it just stressed me out 😂 x

  4. Great advice Becky! I used to stress myself out with what I’ve got to do but I’ve now learnt to take one thing at a time x

  5. Some lovely advice Becky! I’m definitely guilty of the multitasking so am going to try my best to stop doing that! Thank you for sharing your tips X

  6. Totally agreed on this. I personally apply these in my life. I am one of those who used to multitask a lot and then end up messing everything up.

  7. I love what you said about multi-tasking. Early in my career I had a role where multi-tasking was considered essential. While it’s true that we must sometimes juggle several things to keep moving forward, more people need to understand that multi-tasking is actually a negative quality. It means you don’t give your full attention to any one thing and eventually that shows in our work and relationships.

  8. So many good points here! Multitasking is the biggest killer of productivity for sure, along with overworking yourself. I also always say if you’re doing something new, however long you think it’s gonna take multiply it by 3 😂 Thank you for sharing! 💖


  9. So needed this! It’s amazing how reading posts that are reminding you to slow down and remember that you can’t take on everything help you 🙂

Not all those who wander are lost

Becky, a book enthusiast, shares her love for literature and lifestyle through Uptown Oracle, blending creativity with her expertise in digital marketing.

February 2025